The Liebster Award

Thank you to StyleSpirit for nominating me for this award!
What is the Liebster Award?
The Liebster Award is given to new bloggers with less than 200 followers and therefore helps promote and support those bloggers nominated.
The Rules:
-Nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them.
-If nominated, write '11 Random Facts' about yourself!
-Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you wrote for you.
-Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you wrote for you.
-Come up with 11 new questions to be answered by 11 new nominees.
11 Facts About Me:
- I recently dropped out of school
- Before dropping out, I was studying psychology, english, accounting and media
- I have a passion for music theater
- I'm 1/4 Cypriot
- I am in the middle of creating a YouTube channel where I will post videos similar to my blog and weekly vlogs about my life
- I've performed at The Royal Albert Hall in London
- I only learnt to swim properly last summer
- I can't ride a bike
- Zoella inspired me to start a blog
- My accent changes depending on who I'm talking to
- I plan on touring LA by myself in a few years
Questions from StyleSpirit:
1. Who is your inspiration? I get inspired by a lot of people if I'm honest; I find everyone has a way of inspiring someone. I am inspired hugely by Darren Criss though. Anyone who knows me, knows of my huge love for Darren and I truly find him to be an amazing person. He brought out my love and passion for music and performing again and has helped me through some incredibly tough times.
2. What is your favourite fashion brand? I wouldn't say I have a favourite fashion brand, but I do love Top Shop clothing.
3. What is your favourite make-up product? I have a few...
Collection 2000 Perfect Finish foundation in Vanilla
Rimmel London Glam Eyes liquid liner in Black
2True Twist & Line Eye Definer eyeliner in No.8 Black
The Body Shop Skin Primer Matte It
Revlon lipstick in 085 Ruby
Revlon ColorStay lipstick in 300 Succulent Berry
4. What is your biggest fashion fail?
I have on my night dress, a denim jacket and bright pink wellies... Admittedly I was only 4 years old haha!
5. What tip would you give to other people? I recently came across this quote and I found it really funny and something I'm going to live my life by from now on...
"If someone rejects you, dedicate yourself to getting cuter, make them fall in love with even cuter you, then marry someone better than them"
6. What is your dream job? I would love so much to be in the performing business. To be on stage or screen would be a dream come true!
7. How would you describe your style? I wouldn't say I have a set style. Depending on my mood, or who I'm with my style can go from girly to grungy to tailored to boho to"hipster", it changes all the time.
8. What is your favourite movie? My recent favourite movie Pitch Perfect, but Brokeback Mountain, The Grinch, The Cat In The Hat and The Emperors New Groove are my favourite movies of all time.
9. What skincare products do you use?
Beauty Formulas
Cool Moist Cucumber Refreshing 2 in 1 Cleanser & Toner, Cool Moist Cucumber 3 Minute Clay Mask, Deep Cleansing Nose Pore Strips
DermaVio Q10 Innovations Deep Cleansing Milk
Johnson's Face Care Daily Essentials
Gel Wash and Gel Exfoliate
Johnson's Face Care Daily Essentials Moisturiser and Soap & Glory Youth 6 in 1 Super Boost Moisture Lotion
10. What fashion item do you despise?
Every time I see them in the store I'm just like "why?!"
11. What can't you live without? I honestly cannot live without wifi, I just can't!
My Nominees:
- StyleSpirit
- Abbie Attard
- Charlie Rose
- BetterThanToday
- Bits And Beauty Bobs
- The Life And Times Of A #TwitterLad
My Questions:
- Why did you start your blog?
- What is your biggest achievement?
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- What is one thing you couldn't live without?
- All time favourite song?
- What's your typical Saturday night?
- Biggest pet peeve?
- Dream holiday?
- Who is someone you couldn't live without?
- Favourite movie?
- What is/was your favourite subject?
Lauren xo
hey chick thanks for nominating me, i appreciate it alot! i already did one a few weeks ago have a read if you like :)
ReplyDeletealso i cant figure out how to follow you without the followers gadget thingy? xx
Hey hun! Yeah I'm having a bit of trouble with the follower gadgetmebob, the server won't let me add it properly! I've managed to add an email version, so maybe give that a try? :) xo
Deletecongratulations!!! haha, i laugh when i saw your biggest fashion fails! thats soo cute !
Thanks for your nomination!
ReplyDeleteYour fashion fail is adorable!!
I was nominated a few weeks ago, this was my post about it:
Check it out! x