Sunday, 20 January 2013

Lauren In Wonderland...

Since I was young I've always had a love for "Alice In Wonderland" and anything to do with it. I used to watch the video I had of it and would be sit in bewilderment at all the amazing colours and characters on the screen. I think I also used to love it so much because I thought I looked like Alice, with my fair skin, my blue eyes and my long blonde hair.

It's only been recently that I've realised why I really love the story of Alice though. Escapism.

Everyone wants to escape from their day to day life now and again, but no one as much as me. I'll be the first to admit that I'm a plodder. I plod through life, not doing anything exciting, not really trying and I hate that. So the thought of waking up in a whole new world, full of colour, characters and opportunity, just like Alice did, is something that excites me so much.

Imagine waking up somewhere completely new, completely away from your old life and surroundings. Imagine walking new roads, seeing new things, meeting new people, having new experiences and memories. Imagine being able to be whoever you wanted to be as nobody knew you before. Imagine being able to do whatever you wished and doing things you didn't think possible. Although it could be scary and you may be uncertain at times, all these new things will shape you into being a better person.

In someway my move to Cyprus was my "Alice" moment and Cyprus is my "wonderland", although I may not always find it so wonderful. There may not be any white rabbits, mad hatters or walking playing cards in my wonderland, I've made a whole new life here. I'm miles away, mentally and physically from my old life. Alice may have only dreamt her wonderland, but I'm living in mine.

Like I said before, I may be in my wonderland, but I'm still plodding my way through life and want this to change. This is why I've come up with a new project for myself called "Lauren In Wonderland" - original I know. For the next month (Jan 21 - Feb 21) I will do something new everyday. This could include talking to someone new, wearing a new outfit, listening to a new band, eating something new. People may think this is stupid, but this is something I'm going to be serious about and think it could be a good way of helping me stop plodding. I'd also love it if you left suggestions for what you think I could do each day.

Lauren xo


  1. I've loved Alice in Wonderland since I was little too and never really thought much into it, but reading this made something click. I'm the exact same, plodding through life without really doing many exciting things and i hate that! Thanks for the brilliant post, I might try something new everyday too and see where it gets me!
    Sara x

    1. Thank you, that's so sweet! Yeah I'd definitely recommend trying something new everyday, I've had a lot of fun doing it! xo
